Larson studies how digital technology changes the way journalists, authors and other content creators make a living—and how that affects the stories and voices we hear in the world.
Selected Scholarly Work
Love in the Time of Self-Publishing: How romance writers changed the rules of writing and success (Princeton, 2024)
Love is love: Reverse isomorphism and the rise of LGBTQ+ romance publishing. By Christine Larson and Ashley Carter. New Media & Society, 2023.
Networking down: Networks, innovation, and relational labor
in digital book publishing. With Elspeth Ready. New Media & Society, 2022.
Streaming books: confluencers, Kindle Unlimited and the platform imaginary. 2022
Open Networks, Open Books: Gender, precarity and solidarity in digital romance publishing. Information, Communication & Society, 2019.
The Color of Romance (from Voices: The Shifting Contours of Communication Research.) Eds. Patricia Moy and Donald Mathesen. Peter Lang, 2019.
Live Publishing: the onstage redeployment of journalistic authority. Media, Culture and Society, 2015.
Network Celebrity: Entrepreneurship and the New Public Intellectuals. By Fred Turner and Christine Larson. Public Culture, 2015.